This week, Breakthrough Theory. Learn how the astonishing innovator’s mind works.
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SEE: Algorithms as a Service: The Future of Computing
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Article by @VentureBeat
How companies can accelerate transformation
Addressing complexity, inefficiency, indecision
In a recent presentation to their founders on adapting to the current market environment, the team at Sequoia quoted Charles Darwin: “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” The folks at Sequoia called this “survival of the quickest,” going so far as to name “speed” one of “the greatest business strategies.”
While many tend to agree with this advice, the mentality to “go faster” specifically in terms of accomplishing business tasks is not always particularly helpful. Many venture-funded companies today find themselves in a race against the clock. Investors ultimately want to see a return, which generally means IPO or acquisition.
Between IPO volume being down 46% year over year, the IPO market not expecting to pick up any time soon and M&A activity being down 20%and slowing, leaders need to figure out how to keep the lights on before the money runs out.
5 Important Kubernetes Concepts Made Easy
Kubernetes is the most popular open-source container orchestration solution. Getting Started with Kubernetes is NOT easy.
Most enterprises are adopting Microservices architectures.
Microservices provide the flexibility to innovate.
However, Microservices don’t come free. Instead of deploying a few applications, we are deploying hundred’s of microservices. This results in increased complexity.
Containers can help simplify your deployment and observability challenges. However, there are still challenges with respect to managing your infrastructure and deployments. Example: I want 10 instances of Microservice A container, 15 instances of Microservice B container, .. and so on for multiple microservices. In addition, I want a number of other features for my microservices. A few typical features include:
- Auto Scaling – Scale containers based on demand
- Service Discovery – Help microservices find one another
- Load Balancer – Distribute load among multiple instances of a microservice
- Self Healing – Do health checks and replace failing instances
- Zero Downtime Deployments – Release new versions without downtime
The 5 Biggest Business Trends For 2023
In 2023, companies need to make sure that their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) processes are moved to the center of their strategy.
Businesses have faced huge challenges and have undergone an incredible amount of change over the past few years, and this won’t slow down in 2023. Businesses will have to deal with the aftereffects of the global pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, economic challenges, as well as an ever-faster development of technologies.
Here are the trends I believe will have the greatest day-to-day impact on the way we work and do business in 2023.
Article by @Create 3.0
What is Natural Language Processing (NLP)?
Trimming Your Needs for Human involvements
More Than Just Words
We all know that the machine is able to understand our language. But have we ever tried to understand how is that possible and which codes or software or programs are made to run through it to make it happen?
This blog, therefore, is devoted to Natural Language Processing (NLP) which is behind this hyper-intelligent technology.
What is NLP?
Natural Language Processing is simply defined as the automation developed with the algorithms that make the natural language understandable by the machine. NLP algorithms convert the human subfield of linguistics into the computer language to make the interaction between the human and the machine possible.
Article by @TechRepublic
How edge computing will support the metaverse
Whether we end up with a centralized or decentralized metaverse, edge computing systems will likely lurk nearby.
When people point to an example of the metaverse, expect edge computing to be nearby. That single statement encapsulates the essence of the relationship between these two sometimes amorphous concepts.
Importantly, the metaverse more closely resembles virtual reality than augmented reality. AR applications add information to your environment: An arrow to indicate direction, text to label or describe, or a button to access additional information. VR systems, as initially conceived by Jaron Lanier in 1987, supplant your surrounding environment with a simulated one. You might think of the metaverse as a comprehensive, coordinated network of various VR environments.
How does the human brain learn to innovate? The Thousand Brain theory, proposed by Silicon Valley innovator-turned-scientist Jeff Hawkins, is the first proposal to explain how the brain functions at the cellular level. This theory has direct, important, unexpected implications for how people learn to innovate, and therefore for how teachers, coaches, managers, and other professionals teach innovation.
This article provides a summary of Jeff’s conclusions.
Key Idea
Based on new research in neuroscience, the Thousand Brain theory proposes that the cells in your brain make models of objects and concepts called reference frames. When new information arrives into the brain, these cells “vote” in order to determine if the new information fits the existing model or requires a new model. In this session, the theory’s author, Jeff Hawkins, will explain how the brain processes concepts like “opportunity” and “innovation”.
These explanations have surprising implications for the way that educators teach students to innovate so that our pedagogy aligns with the way that our students’ brains function. During the session, Jeff will apply his theory of the brain to his own history as the inventor of the PalmPilot and the Treo, the world’s first handheld computer and first smartphone.